Charles Stansfield is a renowned authority on second language testing. He has published 12 books or monographs and 60 articles on language testing and has presented over 200 papers, lectures and workshops. He was the founding President of the International Language Testing Association. Listed below are selected publications, presentations, and awards.
Books and Monographs
Stansfield, C.W. (2008). A practical guide to sight translation of assessments. Monograph prepared for the LEP Partnership of the US Department of Education. 55 pp. Available at
Rivera, C., Stansfield, C.W., Scialdone, L. & Sharkey, M. (2000). An analysis of state policies for the inclusion and accommodation of English language learners in state assessment programs during 1998-1999. Arlington, VA: The Center for Equity and Excellence in Education of George Washington University.
Stansfield, C. W. (1996). Test development handbook: Simulated oral proficiency interview. Washington DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Test Development Handbook: Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview (SOPI)
Parry, T. & Stansfield, C.W. (Eds.). (1990). Language aptitude reconsidered. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lowe, P. & Stansfield, C.W. (Eds.). (1988). Second language proficiency assessment: Current issues. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Alderson, J., Krahnke, K. & Stansfield, C.W. (Eds.). (1987). Reviews of English language proficiency tests. Washington, DC: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Stansfield, C.W. (Ed.). (1986). Toward communicative competence testing: Proceedings of the second TOEFL invitational conference (TOEFL Research Report 2). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Stansfield, C.W. (Ed.). (1986). Technology and language testing. Washington, DC: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Powers, D., & Stansfield, C.W. (1983). The test of spoken English as a measure of communicative ability in the health professions: Validation and standard setting (TOEFL Research Report 13). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Stansfield, C.W & Reed, D. J. (2019). The MLAT at 60 Years. In E. Wen, P. Skehan, A. Biedron, S. Li, & R. Sparks (Eds). Language aptitude: Advancing theory, testing, research and practice. New York, NY: Routledge. The MLAT at 60 Years
Smith, M., & Stansfield, C. (2017). Testing aptitude for second language learning. In E. Shohamy, I. Or, & S. May (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (3rd ed.), Volume: Language testing and assessment (pp. 77-90). Cham: Springer. Testing Aptitude for Second Language Learning
Stansfield, C.W., Gao, J., & Rivers, W.P. (2010). A concurrent validity study of self-assessments and the Federal Interagency Roundtable Oral Proficiency Interview. Russian Language Journal, 60, 299-315. A Concurrent Validity Study of Self – Assessments and the Federal Interagency Language Roundtable Oral Proficiency Interview
Stansfield, C.W. (2008). Where we have been and where we should go. Language Testing, 25(3), 311-326. Lecture: Where we have been and where we should go
Bowles, M. & Stansfield, C.W. (2008). A practical guide to standards-based assessment in the native language, Version 17. NLA-LEP Partnership A Practical Guide.pdf
Stansfield, C.W. & Winke, P. (2007). Language aptitude testing. In E. Shohamy (Ed.), Language testing: Encyclopedia of language and education Vol. 7 (pp. 81-94). Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bowles, M. & Stansfield, C.W. (2006). Test translation and state assessment policies for English language learners. In C. Rivera & E. Collum (Eds.), State assessment policy and practice for English language learners, (pp. 175-314). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
Stansfield, C.W. & Hewitt, W. (2005). Examining the predictive validity of a screening test for court interpreters. Language Testing, 22(4), 438-462.
Rivera, C. & Stansfield, C.W. (2004). The effect of linguistic simplification of science test items on score comparability. Educational Assessment, 9(3), 79-105. The Effect of Linguistic Simplification of Science Test Items on Score Comparability
Stansfield, C.W. (2003). Test translation and adaptation in public education in the USA. Language Testing, 20(2), 189-207. Test translation and adaptation in public education in the USA
Rivera, C. & Stansfield, C.W. (2001). Accommodation policies for English language learners in state assessments. In R. L. Lissitz & W. Shafer (Eds.)., Assessment in educational reform: Means and ends (pp. 124-145). Boston, MA: Allen and Bacon.
Wu, W. & Stansfield, C.W. (2001). Towards authenticity of task in test development. Language Testing, 18(2), 187-206. Towards authenticity of task in test development
Content Assessment in the Native Language. ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, September, 1996. Content Assessment in the Native Language: ERIC Digest
Kenyon, D.M., Stansfield, C.W., & Scott, M. L. (1996). Examining validity in a performance test: The Listening Summary Translation Exam (LSTE) – Spanish version. Language Testing, 13(1), 83-110. Examining validity in a performance test: The Listening Summary Translation Exam (LSTE) – Spanish version
Stansfield, C.W. & Spolsky, B. (1994). Suggestions from representatives of the International Language Testing Association for revision of the AERA/APA/NCME standards. Language Testing Update, 16, 3-7.
Stansfield, C.W. (1993). An approach to performance testing of oral language proficiency for bilingual education teacher certification. In Proceedings of the Third National Research Symposium on Limited English Proficient Student Issues, Vol. 1 (pp. 187-216). Washington, DC: US Department of Education, OBEMLA. An Approach to Performance.pdf
Stansfield, C.W., Scott, M. L. & Kenyon, D. M. (1992). The measurement of translation ability. Modern Language Journal, 74, 455-467. The Measurement of Translation Ability
Stansfield, C. W. & Kenyon, D. M. (1992). Research on the comparability of the Oral Proficiency Interview and the Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview. System, 20(3), 347-364. Research on the Comparability of the Oral Proficiency Interview and the Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview
Powers, D. & Stansfield, C.W. (1988). An approach to the measurement of communicative competence in three health professions. In H. Coleman (Ed.), Working with language: A Multidisciplinary consideration of language use in work contexts (pp. 341-366). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Powers, D. E. & Stansfield, C.W. (1985). Testing the oral English proficiency of foreign nursing graduates. The English for Specific Purposes Journal, 4(1), 21-35. Testing the oral English proficiency of foreign nursing graduates
Stansfield, C.W. (1981). The assessment of language proficiency in bilingual children: An analysis of theories and instrumentation. In R. V. Padilla (Ed.), Ethnoperspectives in bilingual education research: Vol. 3. Bilingual education technology (pp. 233-248). Ypsilanti, Michigan: Eastern Michigan University.
Stansfield, C.W. (1976). Testing standard Spanish as a second dialect. In G. Valdes-Fallis & R. Garcia (Eds.), Teaching Spanish to the Spanish speaking: Theory and practice (pp. 179-189). San Antonio, Trinity University Press. Testing Standard Spanish as a Second Dialect
Stansfield, C.W. (2003, March). Predictive validity and revision of cut scores on the FCICE Written Examination. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC.
Stansfield, C.W. (1998, June). Linking tests across two languages: Focus on the screening of biliterate Hispanic US seniors. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Council of Chief State School Officers Large Scale Assessment Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
Stansfield, C.W. (1997, March). Linking tests across languages: Focus on the adaptation process. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL.
Stansfield, C.W. (1997, February). Court interpreter certification tests: Problems and solutions. Invited paper at the National Foreign Language Center Conference on Language Teaching and Testing, Washington, DC.
Stansfield, C.W. (1995, March). Guidelines for designing SOPI tasks. Invited paper at the 46th annual Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, DC.
Stansfield, C.W. (1992, August). An approach to performance testing of oral language proficiency for bilingual education teacher certification. Paper presented at the Third National OBEMLA Research Symposium on LEP Students, Washington, DC.
Stansfield, C.W. (1990, March). Setting standards on an ESL proficiency test for teachers. Presented at the 12th Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, San Francisco.
Stansfield, C.W. (1983, March). Testing oral English proficiency in the health professions. Paper presented at the Colloquium on Research on English for Medicine and Allied Health Scientists, 17th Annual TESOL Convention, Toronto, ON.
Stansfield, C.W. (1983, March). Assessing the oral English of foreign teaching assistants with SPEAK. Presentation at the 17th Annual TESOL Convention, Toronto,ON.
Stansfield, C.W. (1983, March). Testing oral English proficiency in the health professions. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium, Ottawa.
Recipient of the 1985 Paul Pimsleur Award for Best Research Article of 1984. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. November 1985.
Recipient of the Florida State University College of Education l994 Outstanding Alumnus Award, Tallahassee, FL, October 22, l994.
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Language Testing Association. Barcelona Spain, June 10, 2007.