MLAT-ES Parte 1


Part 1 of the MLAT-ES has 30 items. This part of the MLAT-ES requires the ability to associate sounds with symbols and depends somewhat on knowledge of Spanish vocabulary. Each question below has a group of words. The word at the left of the group is not spelled in the usual way. Instead, it is spelled approximately as it is pronounced. The task of the pupil is to recognize the disguised word from the spelling. He or she needs to select one of the four words beside it that corresponds most closely in meaning to the disguised word.


1. bazo

 parte del cuerpo





2. erbir






3. vever






4. vallena

 con mucha gente


 animal marino




Correct answers to Sample Items for MLAT-ES Parte 1:

1. bazo is a disguised spelling of vaso (drinking glass), which corresponds in meaning to copa (drinking cup)

2. erbir is a disguised spelling of hervir (to boil), which corresponds in meaning to cocer (to cook)

3. vever is a disguised spelling of beber (to drink), which corresponds in meaning to tomar (to drink)

4. vallena is a disguised version of ballena (whale), which is an animal marino (marine animal)